Business Case

Roadmap definition to launch a new startegicline of business

Definition de la feuille de route d une nouvelle activite strategique_HotellerieRestauration_Retail_Usagesetservices Innovants

The challenge

A major actor in retail in Europe and in the world would like to define a strategical and ambitious roadmap to develop its catering activity

Our approach

  • Realizing a detailed assessment based on the organization, the existing concepts and market trends
  • Securing the starting financial scope to launch the catering activity in the different countries
  • Outlining Outlining the strategic vision and the 3-year development plan
  • Designing the action plan, the objectives and investments required for each strategical axis
  • Adjusting the organization and specifying the required governance to support the roadmap implementation

« Thanks to this pragmatic and agile approach, we were able to deliver a complete, robust and innovative roadmap within a very short deadline. »


  • Co-construction of an ambitious, yet realistic strategic roadmap and the related business plan
  • Definition of the KPIs required to follow the business development
  • Design of the target customer experience integrating innovative concepts and services
  • Identify acquisition and partnerships targets to allow business growth